Audit Log: Identify and resolve content issues faster
Today, they have announced the latest addition to all Enterprise plans: Audit Log!
The Audit Log lets users view all changes made to content types, including which user made each change, when it was made, and the details about that change. These insights make it easier for developers and IT staff to identify mistakes that may be causing issues in your websites and applications and get them resolved as quickly as possible.
To make the process more efficient, users can search for specific events and filter the results based on dates, content types, and the type of action that was performed (such as the deletion of a content type). Audit logs are specific to each environment, making it easier to focus on identifying your specific issue. This can help in the troubleshooting process by enabling you to compare logs across each environment to spot discrepancies faster.
The Kontent Audit Log lets you filter events to identify the cause of issues as quickly as possible.
In order to create this first release of the Audit Log, the Kontent team needed to first build several foundational elements of the logging architecture. Now that these elements are in place, expanding upon the auditing capabilities will become much easier in the future. Please keep an eye on the Kontent roadmap for additional developments in this area. Or, better yet, let us know which events are most important for you to view within the CMS!
By Corey Hamilton
Posted: Friday 05 February 2021