Premium grade hosting plans backed by Australia's largest hosting company!

WebCentral is a Melbourne IT company providing premium hosting solutions for Kentico customers. If you're after a reliable hosting solution that you can set and forget, you have come to the right place!

1 GB Storage &
500MB Database
2 GB Storage &
1GB Database
5 GB Storage &
1.5GB Database
10 GB Storage &
2GB Database
Web Design Magic and WebCentral backed by Melbourne IT have partnered to provide customers with premium business grade hosting packages.

By partnering with WebCentral, we can provide customers with an end-to-end solution for Kentico EMS and Sitecore driven websites including development, design, consulting and hosting.

All customers are hosted on dedicated servers allocated for Sitecore and Kentico websites only which are backed by a service level agreement and managed by WebCentral.

Are you ready and raring to go? We've made it easy for you to get started. Simply request a quote and you'll be on your way to a powerful and persuasive website.
